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weixin_39830917 2020-11-27 13:02 首页 开源项目 Arc Dark does not correlate to oomox Arc DarkThe Arc Dark theme does precisely match the provided Arc Dark theme by oomox, and I believe this is true for any variant of the Arc themes.
Normal Arc Dark:oomox Arc Dark:
There are three differences that you can see in the screenshots. First is the checkbox coloring, second is the background color of the dropdown menu, and third if you look at the list of avaliable themes you can see that color font for a selected item is dark instead of light.
Is there a way to manually fix these issues, so that my custom Arc Theme can work?
该提问来源于开源项目 themix-project/oomox
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weixin_39724441 3月前i dunno, wasn t looking into it
but there is nothing non-doable if you have too much of free time :D
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weixin_39830917 3月前It seems to be reproducible in the above script. Is there a way to use these values in the new upstream arc theme?
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weixin_39724441 3月前instead of transcribing theme values you can just specify the path to the theme file (see what () means in bash)
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weixin_39830917 3月前I m attempting to transcribe all of the sections in this command: ./change_color.sh --autogen-opts --disable-gnome-shell --output Arc-Custom (echo -e BG 282828\\nTXT_FG d0d0d0\\nHDR_BG 282828\\nHDR ), but it is difficult because you don t use those IDs in the oomox program, could you please specify what element in the GUI corresponds to what ID in the scrip command?
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weixin_39724441 3月前if you still can reproduce the issue when running directly https://github.com/arc-design/arc-theme/blob/master/change_color.sh then nothing could be fixed on the oomox side
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